Publicado em 13 de jul. de 2024
R$ 26.000.000
2.200 ha
298.980 créditos
Entenda como foi calculado
This protocol was developed to assist in the planning and validation of carbon credit projects on the RELAND platform, providing a scientific basis for estimating the potential for carbon sequestration in different biomes. Our calculation metrics use zone- and biome-specific calibrations, considering edaphoclimatic refinements for greater precision, and only define potential forest planting zones. Naturally, variations are expected, and these calculations should be considered only as indicative forecasts.
This protocol and the associated values presented by RELAND should be considered as variable and conservative estimates. The calculated figures represent only carbon storage in above-ground biomass and do not account for below-ground biomass (root systems) or soil carbon (humic or mineralized organic carbon). These calculations focus exclusively on carbon stored within above-ground tree biomass.
It is crucial to recognize that actual carbon sequestration rates can vary significantly due to a multitude of edaphoclimatic factors and ongoing climate change. These environmental variables can influence tree growth rates, biomass accumulation, and carbon sequestration capacity in complex and interdependent ways. Furthermore, the method does not incorporate potential improvements in carbon sequestration that could be achieved through successive agroforestry interventions, which can optimize soil biomass carbon over time.
Therefore, while these estimates provide a useful guideline for planning and evaluating carbon credit projects, they should be viewed as baseline values subject to adjustment based on more detailed local environmental assessments and management practices that may influence the final carbon sequestration results.
Vende area de 2200 hectar em pasto, Toda cercada, tem casa, energia, represa, corgo no fundo, parte undulada e parte chapadao; Terra boa, entorno de 750 cabeça de gado, 20 animais de tropa, 3 trator veio vende de portera fechada. Valor 26 milhões sendo 60% de entrada mais 2 parcelas pode fazer uns 450 a 500 hectar de lavora com argila de 17% 40% e boa. A fazenda está localizada pra frente do pedagio de jangada sentido a Cuiabá sendo 50 km de chão.
Vende area de 2200 hectar em pasto, Toda cercada, tem casa, energia, represa, corgo no fundo, parte undulada e parte chapadao; Terra boa, entorno de 750 cabeça de gado, 20 animais de tropa, 3 trator veio vende de portera fechada. Valor 26 milhões sendo 60% de entrada mais 2 parcelas pode fazer uns 450 a 500 hectar de lavora com argila de 17% 40% e boa. A fazenda está localizada pra frente do pedagio de jangada sentido a Cuiabá sendo 50 km de chão.
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