Published on 9 de ago. de 2024
US$ 2.516.368
1.099,35 acres
*Selling price converted to USD on today's date. Not reflecting the original trading price of R$ 14.000.000
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Understand how it was calculated
Este protocolo foi desenvolvido para auxiliar no planejamento e validação de projetos de crédito de carbono na plataforma RELAND, oferecendo uma base científica para estimar o potencial de sequestro de carbono em diferentes biomas. Nossas métricas de cálculo utilizam calibrações específicas para zonas e biomas, considerando refinamentos edafoclimáticos para maior precisão, além de definir apenas as zonas potenciais de plantio florestal. Naturalmente, variações são esperadas, e esses cálculos devem ser considerados apenas como prognósticos indicativos.
Este protocolo e os valores associados apresentados pela RELAND devem ser considerados como estimativas variáveis e conservadoras. As cifras calculadas representam apenas o armazenamento de carbono na biomassa acima do solo e não contabilizam a biomassa abaixo do solo (sistemas radiculares) ou o carbono no solo (carbono húmico ou orgânico mineralizado). Estes cálculos focam exclusivamente no carbono armazenado dentro da biomassa das árvores acima do solo.
É crucial reconhecer que as taxas reais de sequestro de carbono podem variar significativamente devido a uma multiplicidade de fatores edafoclimáticos e mudanças climáticas em curso. Essas variáveis ambientais podem influenciar as taxas de crescimento das árvores, a acumulação de biomassa e a capacidade de sequestro de carbono de maneira complexa e interdependente. Além disso, o método não incorpora possíveis melhorias no sequestro de carbono que poderiam ser alcançadas por meio de intervenções agroflorestais sucessivas, que podem otimizar o carbono da biomassa no solo ao longo do tempo.
Portanto, embora essas estimativas forneçam uma diretriz útil para o planejamento e avaliação de projetos de crédito de carbono, elas devem ser vistas como valores de referência sujeitos a ajustes com base em avaliações ambientais locais mais detalhadas e práticas de manejo que possam influenciar os resultados finais de sequestro de carbono.
This ecological paradise, with 198.61 São Paulo bushels (444.892 ha), known as Fazenda Tangará da Bocaina, at 1400 - 1700 meters of altitude, with more than 110 springs and 6 streams, where loggers and charcoal burners in the past cleared In a large part of the neighboring areas of this heritage, wild animals can still be found, which live and breed there. With 374.57 ha of forest; 67.78 ha native field; 1.61 ha of paths; improvements 0.42 ha; open areas 0.512 ha. There are enchanting images and wonderful sounds; the birds of dozens of species that chirp; The Hawks, Galinho da Serra, Urú, Cuiú, Woodpecker, Sabiá, Toucan, Jacu, Inhambu, Curió, Maitaca, Papagaio, Saracura, Tangará etc. ; Among the mammals we have the Jaguar, Capybara, Wild Pig, Tapir, Wild Dog, Otter, Iranha, Possum, Wild Cat, Caxinguelê, Cauvy, Hare, Agouti, Deer, Monkeys, Paca, Armadillo, Anteater, etc. . There are several trails through the Forest, one of which takes us to a point approximately 1700 m above sea level, where you can see Serra da Madeireira, Pedra do Frade – on the coast of Angra dos Reis; Pico de Itatiaia – in Resende, in a panoramic view of rare Natural Beauty. Another takes us to the head of a Waterfall, approximately 300 m, where extreme sports can be practiced – Rappelling; a third walk through the Forest, passing through two small points until we reach Poço da Anta, where we can bathe. From this well, right after we found a small waterfall. Tangará da Bocaina Farm. Located in the Municipality of Arapeí – State of São Paulo – Brazil - 195 km from Rio de Janeiro and 328 km from São Paulo by road. To access it, you need to travel 15 km of secondary road, we recommend those who have 4x4 vehicles – Toyota Bandeirante type or similar. And by Helicopter - 15 minutes from Agra dos Reis; 30 minutes from Rio de Janeiro, 45 minutes from São Paulo and 15 minutes from Resende. Pre-project approved by DPRN, with definitions of areas that may undergo modifications due to the implementation of future projects, within current forestry legislation. It has two-phase electricity – TV system and works well with satellite Internet system – HughesNet – It has satellite surveillance system – Internet. Even if the electricity is cut off, two batteries come into action and an alarm system is activated for action from anywhere in the world, so that police officers are immediately sent to the scene to provide cover. There are nails on the farm's property road and on certain speed bumps to puncture car and motorcycle tires for those who go there without authorization. The environment is safe, but nowadays we need to take precautions. Documentation: CAR Infrastructure: complete house
This ecological paradise, with 198.61 São Paulo bushels (444.892 ha), known as Fazenda Tangará da Bocaina, at 1400 - 1700 meters of altitude, with more than 110 springs and 6 streams, where loggers and charcoal burners in the past cleared In a large part of the neighboring areas of this heritage, wild animals can still be found, which live and breed there. With 374.57 ha of forest; 67.78 ha native field; 1.61 ha of paths; improvements 0.42 ha; open areas 0.512 ha. There are enchanting images and wonderful sounds; the birds of dozens of species that chirp; The Hawks, Galinho da Serra, Urú, Cuiú, Woodpecker, Sabiá, Toucan, Jacu, Inhambu, Curió, Maitaca, Papagaio, Saracura, Tangará etc. ; Among the mammals we have the Jaguar, Capybara, Wild Pig, Tapir, Wild Dog, Otter, Iranha, Possum, Wild Cat, Caxinguelê, Cauvy, Hare, Agouti, Deer, Monkeys, Paca, Armadillo, Anteater, etc. . There are several trails through the Forest, one of which takes us to a point approximately 1700 m above sea level, where you can see Serra da Madeireira, Pedra do Frade – on the coast of Angra dos Reis; Pico de Itatiaia – in Resende, in a panoramic view of rare Natural Beauty. Another takes us to the head of a Waterfall, approximately 300 m, where extreme sports can be practiced – Rappelling; a third walk through the Forest, passing through two small points until we reach Poço da Anta, where we can bathe. From this well, right after we found a small waterfall. Tangará da Bocaina Farm. Located in the Municipality of Arapeí – State of São Paulo – Brazil - 195 km from Rio de Janeiro and 328 km from São Paulo by road. To access it, you need to travel 15 km of secondary road, we recommend those who have 4x4 vehicles – Toyota Bandeirante type or similar. And by Helicopter - 15 minutes from Agra dos Reis; 30 minutes from Rio de Janeiro, 45 minutes from São Paulo and 15 minutes from Resende. Pre-project approved by DPRN, with definitions of areas that may undergo modifications due to the implementation of future projects, within current forestry legislation. It has two-phase electricity – TV system and works well with satellite Internet system – HughesNet – It has satellite surveillance system – Internet. Even if the electricity is cut off, two batteries come into action and an alarm system is activated for action from anywhere in the world, so that police officers are immediately sent to the scene to provide cover. There are nails on the farm's property road and on certain speed bumps to puncture car and motorcycle tires for those who go there without authorization. The environment is safe, but nowadays we need to take precautions. Documentation: CAR Infrastructure: complete house
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