Published on 14 de fev. de 2025
1,399.31 acres
*Selling price converted to USD on today's date. Not reflecting the original trading price of R$5,850,000
460,725 credits
Understand how it was calculated
Este protocolo foi desenvolvido para auxiliar no planejamento e validação de projetos de crédito de carbono na plataforma RELAND, oferecendo uma base científica para estimar o potencial de sequestro de carbono em diferentes biomas. Nossas métricas de cálculo utilizam calibrações específicas para zonas e biomas, considerando refinamentos edafoclimáticos para maior precisão, além de definir apenas as zonas potenciais de plantio florestal. Naturalmente, variações são esperadas, e esses cálculos devem ser considerados apenas como prognósticos indicativos.
Este protocolo e os valores associados apresentados pela RELAND devem ser considerados como estimativas variáveis e conservadoras. As cifras calculadas representam apenas o armazenamento de carbono na biomassa acima do solo e não contabilizam a biomassa abaixo do solo (sistemas radiculares) ou o carbono no solo (carbono húmico ou orgânico mineralizado). Estes cálculos focam exclusivamente no carbono armazenado dentro da biomassa das árvores acima do solo.
É crucial reconhecer que as taxas reais de sequestro de carbono podem variar significativamente devido a uma multiplicidade de fatores edafoclimáticos e mudanças climáticas em curso. Essas variáveis ambientais podem influenciar as taxas de crescimento das árvores, a acumulação de biomassa e a capacidade de sequestro de carbono de maneira complexa e interdependente. Além disso, o método não incorpora possíveis melhorias no sequestro de carbono que poderiam ser alcançadas por meio de intervenções agroflorestais sucessivas, que podem otimizar o carbono da biomassa no solo ao longo do tempo.
Portanto, embora essas estimativas forneçam uma diretriz útil para o planejamento e avaliação de projetos de crédito de carbono, elas devem ser vistas como valores de referência sujeitos a ajustes com base em avaliações ambientais locais mais detalhadas e práticas de manejo que possam influenciar os resultados finais de sequestro de carbono.
It is pleased to present an excellent investment opportunity: a farm in the region of Appealland, in the state of Tocantins. With a total area of 234 bushels, this property offers a conducive environment for various agricultural activities. Below are the main highlights of this farm: ** Total Area: ** With an extension of 234 bushels, the farm provides more than enough space to perform a wide range of agricultural activities. ** Open Area: ** Of the 234 bushels, 80 bushels are already open and are licensed for use. This offers the flexibility of expanding agricultural or livestock operations. ** Pasture and Earth Clean: ** The farm has 60 bushels in preparation condition, while 20 bushels are already clean and divided to pasture. This configuration allows efficient property administration. ** BENEFITS: ** The farm includes important improvements, such as a house, a corral, power supply and an artesian well with an impressive flow of 20,000 liters per hour. Water availability is a valuable resource for agricultural production. ** Good water quality: ** Property is well served with water, a crucial factor for successful rural operations. ** Selling value: ** This farm is available for an attractive price of R $ 5,850,000.00, representing a viable opportunity for investors who want to enter the agricultural sector or expand their rural enterprises. This farm in the region of RESOURCE, Tocantins, is a remarkable opportunity for those seeking agricultural property with development potential. With open areas, essential improvements and robust water resources, the farm is ready to support a variety of operations. Do not miss the opportunity to explore the full potential of this property. Contact us to get detailed information and schedule a visit to the farm.
It is pleased to present an excellent investment opportunity: a farm in the region of Appealland, in the state of Tocantins. With a total area of 234 bushels, this property offers a conducive environment for various agricultural activities. Below are the main highlights of this farm: ** Total Area: ** With an extension of 234 bushels, the farm provides more than enough space to perform a wide range of agricultural activities. ** Open Area: ** Of the 234 bushels, 80 bushels are already open and are licensed for use. This offers the flexibility of expanding agricultural or livestock operations. ** Pasture and Earth Clean: ** The farm has 60 bushels in preparation condition, while 20 bushels are already clean and divided to pasture. This configuration allows efficient property administration. ** BENEFITS: ** The farm includes important improvements, such as a house, a corral, power supply and an artesian well with an impressive flow of 20,000 liters per hour. Water availability is a valuable resource for agricultural production. ** Good water quality: ** Property is well served with water, a crucial factor for successful rural operations. ** Selling value: ** This farm is available for an attractive price of R $ 5,850,000.00, representing a viable opportunity for investors who want to enter the agricultural sector or expand their rural enterprises. This farm in the region of RESOURCE, Tocantins, is a remarkable opportunity for those seeking agricultural property with development potential. With open areas, essential improvements and robust water resources, the farm is ready to support a variety of operations. Do not miss the opportunity to explore the full potential of this property. Contact us to get detailed information and schedule a visit to the farm.
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