Published on 14 de fev. de 2025
276 m²
*Selling price converted to USD on today's date. Not reflecting the original trading price of R$27,644,600
Santa Rita Makes São Domingos Great opportunity! A double aptitude farm near Dueré-TO and Lagoa da Confusion-TO, just 70km from Gurupi-TO with excellent flow logistics. It has the house headquarters and pawn house with energy, corral and fences good, 02 correys in your area, dams, possible irrigation soil, very good rain with an annual average of 2,200mm. 276.5 bushel Mineiro. (1,338.80 hectares) R $ 27,644,628.00 in cash (100,000.00 the bushel) (*installment up to 120x)
Santa Rita Makes São Domingos Great opportunity! A double aptitude farm near Dueré-TO and Lagoa da Confusion-TO, just 70km from Gurupi-TO with excellent flow logistics. It has the house headquarters and pawn house with energy, corral and fences good, 02 correys in your area, dams, possible irrigation soil, very good rain with an annual average of 2,200mm. 276.5 bushel Mineiro. (1,338.80 hectares) R $ 27,644,628.00 in cash (100,000.00 the bushel) (*installment up to 120x)
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