Published on 14 de fev. de 2025
US$ 1.283.887
9,39 acres
*Selling price converted to USD on today's date. Not reflecting the original trading price of R$ 7.143.000
2.062 credits
Understand how it was calculated
Este protocolo foi desenvolvido para auxiliar no planejamento e validação de projetos de crédito de carbono na plataforma RELAND, oferecendo uma base científica para estimar o potencial de sequestro de carbono em diferentes biomas. Nossas métricas de cálculo utilizam calibrações específicas para zonas e biomas, considerando refinamentos edafoclimáticos para maior precisão, além de definir apenas as zonas potenciais de plantio florestal. Naturalmente, variações são esperadas, e esses cálculos devem ser considerados apenas como prognósticos indicativos.
Este protocolo e os valores associados apresentados pela RELAND devem ser considerados como estimativas variáveis e conservadoras. As cifras calculadas representam apenas o armazenamento de carbono na biomassa acima do solo e não contabilizam a biomassa abaixo do solo (sistemas radiculares) ou o carbono no solo (carbono húmico ou orgânico mineralizado). Estes cálculos focam exclusivamente no carbono armazenado dentro da biomassa das árvores acima do solo.
É crucial reconhecer que as taxas reais de sequestro de carbono podem variar significativamente devido a uma multiplicidade de fatores edafoclimáticos e mudanças climáticas em curso. Essas variáveis ambientais podem influenciar as taxas de crescimento das árvores, a acumulação de biomassa e a capacidade de sequestro de carbono de maneira complexa e interdependente. Além disso, o método não incorpora possíveis melhorias no sequestro de carbono que poderiam ser alcançadas por meio de intervenções agroflorestais sucessivas, que podem otimizar o carbono da biomassa no solo ao longo do tempo.
Portanto, embora essas estimativas forneçam uma diretriz útil para o planejamento e avaliação de projetos de crédito de carbono, elas devem ser vistas como valores de referência sujeitos a ajustes com base em avaliações ambientais locais mais detalhadas e práticas de manejo que possam influenciar os resultados finais de sequestro de carbono.
Urban area for sale with 38,000m² Exchange: Property and vehicle as part of payment and study of proposals. 10% discount for cash payment. Urban area for sale with 38,000m ² being 100 meters facing the road, 450 meters long, 150 meters of coastal - facing the sea. Region in full controlled and sustainable development, rich marine and terrestrial biodiversity with a lot of wildlife. Home House Big in Construction and another simple little house just above. An open ranch in the coast with two small bathrooms. 2 bathrooms near the den (a cave), the idea is to make initial was to make a barbecue. Internet signal here only Wi -Fi, only works when the phone is close to the house - or in the coast. Area purchased in 1,985 from those born here had 1,845 deed who dismantled, with relatives still in the immediate vicinity, great documentation with certificate of guidelines, surveys, including judgment, definitive judgment on the ownership of the area. Accepts Property: Good house, well located as part of the payment in the case of the sale of the entire area of 38,000m ² in the coast. I deliver all IPTU settled with the payment input or signal, or we discount the late property tax. The documentation is the deed of possession, very old since 1985, with planialtimetric surveys, guidelines certificate, etc. I have an old judgment, definitive judgment of the Court of Justice, on the property of the area, in my favor, which facilitates everything for registration of enrollment. There are two areas in a total of 38,000m ² conjugated that form here the site, I can remodel them according to the taste of the buyer. I can sell above 3,000m ², is the least that the legislation allows! * Lots of 3,000m ² for sale for value R $ .500.000,00* I make an excellent discount -Un 10% - for cash payment! * Lots of 4,000m ² for sale for R $ 870,000.00* with little house, and I give exclusive servitude with 3m wide, and short access by street even close to water. Study proposals, more information leave your contact.
Urban area for sale with 38,000m² Exchange: Property and vehicle as part of payment and study of proposals. 10% discount for cash payment. Urban area for sale with 38,000m ² being 100 meters facing the road, 450 meters long, 150 meters of coastal - facing the sea. Region in full controlled and sustainable development, rich marine and terrestrial biodiversity with a lot of wildlife. Home House Big in Construction and another simple little house just above. An open ranch in the coast with two small bathrooms. 2 bathrooms near the den (a cave), the idea is to make initial was to make a barbecue. Internet signal here only Wi -Fi, only works when the phone is close to the house - or in the coast. Area purchased in 1,985 from those born here had 1,845 deed who dismantled, with relatives still in the immediate vicinity, great documentation with certificate of guidelines, surveys, including judgment, definitive judgment on the ownership of the area. Accepts Property: Good house, well located as part of the payment in the case of the sale of the entire area of 38,000m ² in the coast. I deliver all IPTU settled with the payment input or signal, or we discount the late property tax. The documentation is the deed of possession, very old since 1985, with planialtimetric surveys, guidelines certificate, etc. I have an old judgment, definitive judgment of the Court of Justice, on the property of the area, in my favor, which facilitates everything for registration of enrollment. There are two areas in a total of 38,000m ² conjugated that form here the site, I can remodel them according to the taste of the buyer. I can sell above 3,000m ², is the least that the legislation allows! * Lots of 3,000m ² for sale for value R $ .500.000,00* I make an excellent discount -Un 10% - for cash payment! * Lots of 4,000m ² for sale for R $ 870,000.00* with little house, and I give exclusive servitude with 3m wide, and short access by street even close to water. Study proposals, more information leave your contact.
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